This is the time of year you begin thinking about cleaning both your physical space and your emotional space. Think of it as Spring "cleansing" where you're able to take a breath and re-group. You're in a place where you can now begin to focus on you, your well-being and understand why these Spring self-care tips might be helpful.
I know some days it may not feel like it, but Spring is really here! Spring is always a time of renewal, transformation, growth, and celebration. What better way to welcome the warmer weather than to begin to start to care for yourself. There are many ways to move out of the cold, dark months into the brighter sunshine. Here are some of my favorite ways to do so:
1. Spring Clean
Spring is the time to clean both your physical space and your emotional space. It can be a time to let go of the things that don’t work for you anymore, like negative relationships, an unhealthy diet or bad habits. It’s also a time to physically purge your surroundings. Getting rid of old clothes, books and toys can be especially liberating.
2. Change your Moisturizer
If Winter weather wreaked all kinds of havoc on the skin and left it dry and cracked, take the time to nourish your body’s largest organ. For lasting relief, try a moisturizer with ceramides, these are lipids found naturally in the skin.
3. Meditate
Being present can boost your mental wellness. To get started, sit comfortably and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth five times. Try to clear your mind and focus on breathing from your belly instead of your upper diaphragm.
4. Develop Spring Mantras
What is a mantra? How does that help to calm me down?
A mantra is a word or a phrase that you repeat over and over again silently to yourself until you enter a deep state of meditation. It can be anything, as long as it is easily remembered and fits the intent of your meditation.
“Focus on progress, not perfection.”
“It’s okay not to be okay all the time.”
5. Take Advantage of Simply Pleasures
Treat yourself to a simple pleasure. Taking a hot Epsom salt bath, getting a massage, eating a healthy snack, or even putting on a favorite movie can put your mind at ease.
6. New Health Resolutions for Spring
We’ve all been there…making new year’s resolutions. Improve habits by eating healthy, lose those 5 or 10 pounds, drink more water, etc. This is the time to give yourself a second change at improving our health! It’s warmer outside, which means you can be more active. So why not make those new Spring resolutions?
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